How do I earn a badass patch?
1. Register on UltraSignUp
2. Run 100 miles (cumulative!) on the trails of North Park anytime between May 1 and July 4.
3. Have fun while keeping a social distance from other runners; follow state and local guidelines.
Q: If I register in June 10th, will the miles that I accrued in May count?
A: Sure! All miles logged between May 1st and July 4th are "patch eligible."
Q: Do I need proof of my mileage?
A: This challenge is based on the honor system. No need to send us proof.
Q: Which trails count toward my 100 miles?
A: Any trails in North Park! Please visit our Where We Run page for trailhead information! (Bushwhacking miles with Mark Knapp are fully eligible)
Q: What do I do when I've completed my 100 miles?
A: Celebrate! If you decide to post photos on social media, be sure to tag your photos! #GetYourPatchOn #NPTRPatch. If you are not on social media and you wish to let us know you finished, we'd love to hear from you. Send us an email.
Q: When can I get my patch?
A: Patches may be picked up at our July 4th NPTR Birthday Event or at an NPTR Group Run. As a last resort, we will mail your patch to you.
Q: Normally NPTR events are free. Why am I paying $6 for this one?
A: Good question! All proceeds for this event (minus shipping costs if you opt to have your patch mailed) go to The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank. Low-income communities are more likely to be exposed to the coronavirus and have higher mortality rates. Families and individuals who were food-insecure before the pandemic are suffering exponentally during this time of crisis. NPTR would like to help our community in this unprecedented time of need.
1. Register on UltraSignUp
2. Run 100 miles (cumulative!) on the trails of North Park anytime between May 1 and July 4.
3. Have fun while keeping a social distance from other runners; follow state and local guidelines.
Q: If I register in June 10th, will the miles that I accrued in May count?
A: Sure! All miles logged between May 1st and July 4th are "patch eligible."
Q: Do I need proof of my mileage?
A: This challenge is based on the honor system. No need to send us proof.
Q: Which trails count toward my 100 miles?
A: Any trails in North Park! Please visit our Where We Run page for trailhead information! (Bushwhacking miles with Mark Knapp are fully eligible)
Q: What do I do when I've completed my 100 miles?
A: Celebrate! If you decide to post photos on social media, be sure to tag your photos! #GetYourPatchOn #NPTRPatch. If you are not on social media and you wish to let us know you finished, we'd love to hear from you. Send us an email.
Q: When can I get my patch?
A: Patches may be picked up at our July 4th NPTR Birthday Event or at an NPTR Group Run. As a last resort, we will mail your patch to you.
Q: Normally NPTR events are free. Why am I paying $6 for this one?
A: Good question! All proceeds for this event (minus shipping costs if you opt to have your patch mailed) go to The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank. Low-income communities are more likely to be exposed to the coronavirus and have higher mortality rates. Families and individuals who were food-insecure before the pandemic are suffering exponentally during this time of crisis. NPTR would like to help our community in this unprecedented time of need.